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After a hard day under a relentless sun and in baking heat all the competitors are registered and set to go at the Melges 24 Worlds in Travemuende. The total entry is now up to 76 thanks to a late entry from Switzerland's Franco Rossini and his 2001 World Championship winning crew.
Registration opened this morning for the Melges 24 World Championship in Travemuende, Germany and for the first time in a week the sun has come out. Unfortunately the sun has driven away so practise sailing is not really an option right now.
The French Melges 24 Class Association has announced the launch of a new compettion which will enhance the spring Mediteranean circuit. The format of a team race including three active international classes should attract all the best skippers of the world.
Following the AGM of the French class the Excecutive board has changed and Jean Sans is now the new President of the French Class. As Vice President, I will be in charge of all International relations.
Melges Performance Sailboats Inc and the International Melges 24 Class Association today confirmed that Rowen Composites Ltd is ceasing construction of the Melges 24 at its base near Southampton, England, following the company's diversification.
North Sails Race Week at Long Beach in California saw 14 Melges 24s battle it out in a great regatta with some incredibly close racing.
Twenty boats from four nations competed for the UK Melges 24 National Title over 12 races in Torbay this weekend. With entries from Finland, France and the US as well as all over the UK it was a great regatta with some incredibly close racing.
Download a form (Adobe PDF - Get Adobe Acrobat Now!) and a map to make your travels to Travemuende, Germany easier! 1) A CHECK IN FORM This will enable you to complete it before leaving your hometown and will make the registration more easy. The documents will be accepted at the registration desk.
With the closing date for entries now less than 2 weeks away please urgently submit your entry for the Travemuende Worlds if you haven't already done so. Download a Entry Form (PDF format). With a record entry expected we are looking forward to a terrific regatta.
St-Quay Portrieux in northern Britanny played host to the 2002 French Open Nationals this weekend. With 47 entries from France, England, Italy, Belgium and Monaco and a real mix of conditions it was a great event.