This weekend saw US West Coast Melges 24 teams sailing in the 2003 San Diego NOOD. Although the entry was down this year (largely due to the clash with the Nationals) those who competed experienced some fantastic racing in the broadest range of conditions.

Seven races were completed in everything from a full storm to light airs, and it rapidly became clear that it was a family battle between Shark Kahn and his father Philippe. Since taking up helming seriously at the end of last year thirteen year old Shark has been impressing everyone with his potential and this weekend he finally got the better not only of his father but of the whole fleet to take the overall title.

Between them the Kahns were first or second in every race with Shark eventually securing five firsts and two seconds to beat Philippe by 3 points overall. Jay McRostie and Thomas Jenkins had an incredibly tight battle for third place with McRostie only getting the upper hand on count back. Paul Teveliet took fifth just ahead of the legendary Melges 24 hull number 01 "Fightertown" sailed by Jerry Goggin.

We managed to speak briefly to Philippe after racing before he headed out for the airport "There were awesome conditions in San Diego for the last three days: we never had two races in identical conditions in 3 days and 7 races. There was excellent competion and the racing was actually tighter than the results may suggest. With the storm we had everything from light air to heavy air, huge swells today. Three perfect days of Melges sailing! In the end Shark won and I am a very proud Dad!"