
Last night's opening party for the Melges 24 Worlds proved a huge hit. Hosted by the regatta organisers aboard a traditional paddle boat moored alongside the yacht club and featuring free food and beers and a disco the crews made the most of the opportunity to let their hair down.
The competitor briefing for the Melges 24 Worlds in Travemuende took place at 0900 this morning and the competitors are now leaving the dock ready for the first race which is due to start at 1130.
After a hard day under a relentless sun and in baking heat all the competitors are registered and set to go at the Melges 24 Worlds in Travemuende. The total entry is now up to 76 thanks to a late entry from Switzerland's Franco Rossini and his 2001 World Championship winning crew.
Registration opened this morning for the Melges 24 World Championship in Travemuende, Germany and for the first time in a week the sun has come out. Unfortunately the sun has driven away so practise sailing is not really an option right now.
The French Melges 24 Class Association has announced the launch of a new compettion which will enhance the spring Mediteranean circuit. The format of a team race including three active international classes should attract all the best skippers of the world.
Following the AGM of the French class the Excecutive board has changed and Jean Sans is now the new President of the French Class. As Vice President, I will be in charge of all International relations.