The breeze was up for this first day of the Coupe de France regatta hosted by the Yacht Club de France. Out on the gulf of Saint-Tropez the 39 crews engaged in the 53rd edition of this historical trophy found a good wind of 15 to 20 nodes from the north-eastern with a short chop. The favourable conditions enable the race committee to run four for each of the three fleets involved - Dragon, Melges 24 and Mumm 30 - in spite of some damage and retirements.

The new team race format for this legendary event will mean that the winning team will not be known until the last race of the regatta. As of today however, the individual performances by team members give us an idea of the players involved and what lies ahead. In the Dragon fleet the day was dominated head and the shoulders by the crew of Glen Chapalain on Ar Youleg, crewed by Montpelliérain Kito de Pavant (winner of the Figaro Solo) and Sebastien Magnien (naval architect and winner of the Mini Transat). The little sloop carrying the colors of the Région Ile de France - SR Douarnenez gained 3 wins out of 4. The fourth race also went to a French crew in the shape of Gabriel Pastureaud, multiple champion of France. Overall it is the Norwegian Odd Roar Loftered on Odd Job who occupies second place in front of the crew of the Yacht Club of Monaco skippered by Christian Boilot.

In the Melges 24 fleet Cédric de Kervanoel of the Rochelais du Yacht Club de France who leads overall this evening thanks in particular to two race victories. This team includes three Melges 24 European Champions including helmsman Jean-François Cruette, they are a very well known boat on the international circuit and this year will take part in the Melges 24 World Championship in San Francisco in October. At the end of day one Bruno Jourdren and the Lord Jiminy team are second overall and just one point ahead of the Swiss crew of Alba Batzill on Vito.

Leading the Mumm 30s is the representative of another French team "Cape Sport" which dominated the day winning all four races. Bernard Mallaret and Xavier Lecoeur got the better of the very good Monegasque crew of Michele Perris, an Italian who has defected to the Mumm 30 from the FD, with the team of Dangerous But Fun and Maxime Paul on Défi Divides. Tomorrow the race management team hope to complete three further races if conditions permit.

DRAGON (after 4 races)
1) Equipe Ile de France, Ar Youleg, 6 pts 2) Equipe Norvége, Ood Job, 18, 3) Equipe Monaco, Tamm Ha Tamm, 19, 4) Equipe France, Vol de Nuit, 22 pts 5) Equipe Suisse Allemagne, Chi, 23 pts, 6) Italie, Tramontana, 27, 7) Europe, Tsuica, 28 8) Cap Sport, Ulysse, 29 pts, 9) Belgique, Ruuder, 29, 10) Douarnez, Dirastach, 36, 11) K Challenge, K Challenge III, 42 12) International, Gabriel, 44, 13) Dinard, Ardizaon, 45 pts

MELGES (after 4 races)
1) France, Scutum, 7pts 2) Ile de France, Lord Jiminy, 14pts, 3) Suisse Allemagne, Vito, 15pts 4) Italie, Hedimegica 15 pts 5) Monaco, Chaloupa II, 20 pts) 6) Cap Sport, Eurovoile, 21 pts 7)n Douranenez, Douarn, 32 pts, 8) Europe, Sbab, 34 pts, 9) Dinard, Zig Zag 15, 37 pts 10) K Challenge, K Challenge II, 39 pts, 11) International, Aile, 41 pts 12) Belgique, Mad Cow, 44 pts, ab) Norvège, Fruen Maren 56 pts

MUMM 30 (after 4 races)
1) Cap Sport, Cap Sport, 4 pts 2) Monaco, Dangerous but fun, 10 pts 3) France, Défi Partage 14 pts, 4) Ile de France, Région Ile de France, 17 pts 5) Europe, Lady Anie, 23 pts 6) Norvège, M. 103, 25 pts, 7) K Challenge, K Challenge I, 35 pts, 8) Italie, Spirit of Ave Maria, 36 pts, 9) Belgique, T-service, 38 pts, 10) Suisse-Allemagne, Bienne-Voile, 40 pts, 11) Douarnenez, Triga V, 40 pts, 12) Dinard, la Pachanga, 41 pts 13) Internationale, Les Copains abord, 47 pts.