
From Key Largo Regatta Chair, Jerry Creasman Well the weekend came and went the weather could not have been any more perfect!
The 2008 IMCA World Ranking Programme and initial dates for the general event schedule are now available online. Please note that although the event list for the IMCA Ranking is finally confirmed some dates are still awaiting confirmation.
From the USMCA - Florida Yacht Club; Jacksonville, Florida - Bora Gulari at the helm for Chuck Holzman on 'Flyer' played his trumph card today as they took the Melges 24 King's Day | Atlantic Coast Championship title by one point. "This is great," said Holzman.
From the USMCA - Jacksonville, Florida More than forty Melges 24s are scheduled to compete at the 2007 Florida Yacht Club's King's Day Regatta making this the ultimate regatta showdown! Year-after-year it lives up to and exceeds expectations.
On the 6th October 2007 the IMCA World Council met for its Annual General Meeting in Paris, France and the full minutes of the meeting can now be read online.
From the USMCA - Florida Yacht Club; Jacksonville, Florida - If there is any one event that the U.S. Melges 24 Class looks forward to each year it has to be the Florida Yacht Club's world-famous King's Day Regatta.