Rule Clarification – D.3.1.4.

Following some confusion during measurement checks at recent events the IMCA has been asked to clarify the meaning of Class Rule D.3.1.4. which reads – “The fairing of the keel box area, or the keel box “delrins” shall be prohibited, excepted that they may be adjusted to fit flush with the hull underside.”

On behalf of the Executive Committee IMCA Technical Advisor David Chivers has issued the following clarification about the intent and application of this rule.

This rule was written to allow adjustment to fit the Delrins correctly but to prevent the whole area around the keel box being filled. In some cases the Delrins have been set into the hull a little too far and it is acceptable for these to be adjusted so that they fit flush with the hull. The Delrin can be bedded in on something such as silicone and within this process it is acceptable for the silicone to be wiped around the hull/Delrin join and into the screw heads. The point is that the Delrin should be clearly visible and not covered in any fairing. This is was the intention of this rule, not to permit filling across the whole area.