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14 July, 2015 - UK -It’s with great pleasure that the Melges 24 UK Class Association can confirm that OneSails GBR have confirmed their support as title sponsors for the OneSails 2015 Melges 24 UK Nationals and Open Championships.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club hosted the Mid Winter One Design Regatta for the second year over the weekend of the 11-12 July, five fleets of One Design classes competed.
The next 2015 Melges 24 Audi tron Sailing Series events - Act 4 in Porto Ercole on July 24-26 and Act 5 in Trapani on September 10-13 - await for you! Don't miss the chance to sail and spend time in such wonderful places like wonderful Italy has to offer!
05 July, 2015 - Middelfart, Denmark –No racing in Middelfart today due to the lack of wind.
3 July, 2015 - Middelfart, Denmark - Sometimes it happens also in Middelfart that, after a breezy day, you have to lie in the marina waiting for some puff of wind.
02 July, 2015 - Middelfat, Denmark - What a day here in Middelfart! Thanks to some champagne conditions, PRO Hank Stuart brings at home three more races and now, after nine races and one discard, the situation among the 95 boats fleet starts to unravel.
01 July, 2015 – Middelfart, Denmark - Thanks to 7-10 knots of breeze, blowing from 170-180 degrees, one of the huge Melges 24 fleet ever complete other three races and now the standing counts on six races with one discard.
30 June, 2015 - Middelfart, Denmark - The first day of the 2015 Melges 24 World Championship has finished in Middelfart, Denmark with a ninety-five boats on the starting line.
The Live streaming will be brought to you by Zerogradinord and SportsXStream along with the International Melges 24 Class Association, it will be available through YouTube and the link can be found here Racing will s
30 June, 2015 - Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club,Australia - On the other side of the world in Denmark today is the start of the 2015 Melges 24 World Championships, approximately 100 teams from 18 Nations competing for a podium place.