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September 8, 2015 - Trapani, Italy – After the Melges 32 World Championship and the Audi Melges 20 European Championship the city of Trapani is getting ready to welcome the last Melges fleet and its Italian Championship.This weekend, it will be the time for the the Melges 24 Italian Championship hap
The third and final day of the OneSails Melges 24 National & Open Championship started with threatening dark rain clouds passing just out to sea from the race area, much to everyone's relief.
The UK Melges 24 Association have resurrected the UK National Championships after an absence of 4 years now that there is a growing fleet establishing itself on the river Orwell in Suffolk.Day 2 dawned with blue skies and a gentler Northerly breeze which reached a good force 3 throughout he first ra
The One Sails Melges 24 National Championships are being hosted by Suffolk Yacht Harbour and Haven Ports Yacht Club where there is an emerging local fleet gaining a strong foothold. The home fleet were joined by two visiting teams, one coming from the Netherlands.
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club will host 2015 Open Granini J/24 and Melges 24 Open Hungarian Championship on September 23-27.Deadline for entries and payment of the entry fee is 14 September 2015.Don’t miss the great opportunity to sail on the racing field of the Melges24 Europeans 2014!
The 2015 Fall Championship is happening soon — October 3rd to be exact! This is also a great event to not be missed. Register Now! Championship will be also considered as the fourth event of the Melges 24 North American Ranking 2015!
Sperry and Sailing Anarchy Take You To The Gorge - the Melges 24 National Championship! It's the Sperry/Sailing Anarchy World Tour 2015, and that means fireworks at the Columbia River Gorge for the 2015 Melges 24 US National Championship!
International Melges 24 Class Association's Annual General Meeting 2015 will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark on November 21. The AGM will be preceded by the Technical Committee Meeting on November 20.
Over August 21-23 the 3rd event of the Doyle Sails Nordic Trophy 2015 was held considered to be Melges 24 Danish Championship and was hosted by Sundby Sejlforening in Copenhagen. 26 boats competed from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.
August 25, 2015 - Winning the Melges 24 World Championship is never easy. The class attracts the best sailors, and after 20+ years, there are few tricks left to exploit.