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IMCA Class Secretary Gunter Tzeschlock reports from Torbole Melges Week. The second event of the European Ranking has been sailed on the Lake Garda and was organised by the Circolo Vela Torbole. The club is well known among the Melges sailors at least since the 2000 Europeans.
Tom Knutsen reports from this year's fantastic Musto Ski Yachting Regatta. The 2003 event collected 19 teams, whereof 14 were Melges 24s. The skiing competition on Friday took place in a sloop not far away from Oslo.
Britains Jamie Lea, helming Black Seal for Richard Thompson, won a record third consecutive Melges 24 title today at the 2003 SNIM Regatta in Marseille. The Melges fleet has become a major feature of this annual Easter event attracting 76 boats from 10 nations for some early season fun in the sun.
Heavy squalls and torrential rain caused a four hour postponement for the Melges 24 crews at the SNIM in Marseille today, but the wait was worth it for two fantastic races in 16-22 knots of breeze.
Day two for the 76 strong Melges 24 class at the 2003 SNIM Regatta brought some very testing conditions, four hard races and to top it all an extremely cold shower during the fourth and final race of the day.
PRESS RELEASE - The first of the new Devoti Sailing Melges 24s is to be unveiled at the SNIM Regatta in Marseille over the Easter Weekend (18-21 April).
There are just two weeks to go to the SNIM Regatta in Marseille at Easter, which marks the start of the European Ranking Circuit.
At the end of 9 splendid and hard fought races on the glorious bay of Saint-Tropez, and after eleven years of absence, the Coupe deFrance of the Yacht Club de France knows its new holder; in 1992, it was the 6 m JI Thisbe of Britains Bill British Whitehouse (helmed for the occasion by the late Peter
Day two of the Coupe de France regatta brought light to moderate 12-15 knot winds from the north-east, and eventually glorious sunshine bringing out that legendary Mediterranean blue of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez much to the delight of the 39 crews taking part in the regatta.
The breeze was up for this first day of the Coupe de France regatta hosted by the Yacht Club de France. Out on the gulf of Saint-Tropez the 39 crews engaged in the 53rd edition of this historical trophy found a good wind of 15 to 20 nodes from the north-eastern with a short chop.