
September 5, 2025 - Miami, FL, USA - The Organizing Committee for the 2024/2025 Bacardi Winter Series 1 and 2, and the 2025 Bacardi Cup Invitational Regatta on Biscayne Bay, Miami, USA are delighted to invite all Melges 24s to race!
24 August 2024—San Francisco, CA, USA -Congratulations toDon Wilsonand hisConvexityteam for capturing the 2024 Diversified Melges 24 World Champions title.
23 August 2024—San Francisco, CA, USA -As the2024 Diversified Melges 24 World Championshipapproaches its final stretch, Day 4 on San Francisco Bay brought three more races to the scoreboard.
21 August 2024—San Francisco, CA, USA -Day 2 of the2024 Diversified Melges 24 World Championshipbrought a thrilling change to the leaderboard as Don Wilson’sConvexitysecured three consecutive bullets, breaking away from the fleet and taking a commanding lead.The San Francisco Yacht Club's organizati
22 August 2024—San Francisco, CA, USA -If you ever doubted the timeless appeal of the Melges 24 as the ultimate one-design sportboat, today’s action on San Francisco Bay would convince you otherwise.
20 August 2024 - San Francisco, CA, USA - After three days of registration, boat inspections, and sail and equipment checks, the2024 Diversified Melges 24 World Championshipon San Francisco Bay is officially underway.