
In the measure of things everything is relative, 22 is half of 44 but also double of 11. Which reference system to use in evaluating a number ?
Dear Melges 24 Sailors, Thank you to everyone in advance who took the time to participate in our 2021 World Championship Survey. Your input and thoughtful feedback is invaluable in making critical decisions regarding the Worlds next year.
July 20, 2020 - Torbole, Garda Lake, Italy -After a long weekend of sun and 20 knots of southern wind, the famous “Ora”, three teams came out from the magic twenty two Melges 24s from six countries flying above Lake Garda.
July 2, 2020 - IM24CA - International Melges 24 Class Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting of the World Council online on July 1st at 1 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) / 3 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time) / 4 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) / 9 pm UK / 10 pm CEST (Central Europe Summer Time
Liebe Melges 24 Segler, bis vor wenigen Tagen war der Saisonstart nicht sicher - heute kann ich Euch gute Nachrichten übermitteln. Vom 17. - 19. Juli kann und darf in Torbole/Gardasee die erste Regatta (Act 1 Italien Series und zugleich italienische Meisterschaft) stattfinden.
June 25, 2020 - Torbole, Italy - Three weeks to go to the 2020 Melges 24 Tour Act 1, valid also as the Melges 24 Italian National Championship in Circolo Vela Torbole on July 17-19. Garda Lake awaits Melges 24 sailors to be back on track!