
Riva del Garda, Italy–07 July 2024 -Unfortunately, the weather forecast held true in Riva del Garda, where a strong, unstable front prevented the breeze from spreading over the racecourse.
Riva del Garda, Italy–06 July 2024 -The second day of the sixth event in theMelges 24 European Sailing Series 2024, Act 2 of the Italian Melges 24 Tour and Italian Championship, came to life with exhilarating races managed byFraglia Vela Riva.
Riva del Garda, Italy–05 July 2024 -Taking full advantage of the fresh and stable southerly wind, known locally as the Ora, the Race Committee of theFraglia Vela Rivasuccessfully completed the first three races of the sixth event in theMelges 24 European Sailing Series 2024.
2 July 2024 - Riva del Garda, Italy -The sixth event of theMelges 24 European Sailing Series 2024is set to take place atFraglia Vela Riva, with Melges 24 teams eagerly anticipating the competition.
Dear IM24CA World Council, As you may be aware, the IM24CA Executive Committee made a decision to withdraw the 2025 Worlds from COYCH in Hyeres, France, due to the French class's inactivity.
1 July 2024 - Santa Barbara, CA, USA -With each passing day, the U.S. Melges 24 Class gets more and more excited for the start of the 2024 National Championship on July 12-14 in the picturesque city of Santa Barbara, California.