IM24CA Open Technical Committee Meeting, AGM 2024 submissions and housekeeping

October 8, 2024 - The 2024 International Melges 24 Class World Council’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday, November 16.  This is an important meeting to discuss any proposals for changing the rules and regulations that govern the class, elect the officers and choose the venues for the future championships. 

During the meeting, all NCAs will be invited to give a short (1-2 minute) update on their year. 

Time: 6 am PT, 9 am ET, 2 pm UK, 3 pm CET, 4 pm EET, 1 am (Nov 17) Sydney, AUS
Duration: Maximum of 5 hours, hopefully shorter

“This year has gone by quite quickly, and we have seen two great championships held: the Worlds in San Francisco, US and the Europeans in Split, Croatia.  As we prepare for the next AGM in November, I would call your attention to the proposals that have been submitted for our consideration.  Please note that there will be a Technical Committee meeting on 14th October to discuss those proposals - please attend if you have questions or would like to enter the discussion on the topics.

I will point out that we do not have a candidate for Treasurer, and this position does need to be filled!  We also really need to have a proposal for the 2026 Worlds; I do know that there are folks working on this in the US, so I would encourage them to share this with all of us if at all possible, prior to the AGM.

Shortly, we will begin billing the NCAs for their annual dues.

Thanks to all for another great year of sailing!”

Laura Grondin,
IM24CA Chiar


Open Technical Committee Meeting

The Technical Committee will meet on October 14 for an open discussion at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET / 6 pm UK / 7 pm CET / 8 pm EET / 4 am AEDT.

This open meeting’s goal is to discuss the proposals and make changes to the draft as needed before the AGM. Everyone is welcome to attend! 
Please register your participation in Doodle under this link 

To join the Zoom meeting, use the link below:
Join the Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 372 507 7217
Find your local dial-in number: 


Melges 24 dealer and spare parts provider in Europe:

Hein Ruyten One Design 
Doumastate 9
8525 HA Langweer
+31 513 499616
+31 653 161386

Hein was present at the recent Europeans in Split and brought the new #870, owned by Cuyler Morris (Dark Horse—USA). He also introduced himself to the participants at the first Skippers Meeting. Please feel free to ask for his assistance with the spare parts and new boats.


AGM 2024 housekeeping

We kindly remind all NCAs to check the status of the class membership of your country sailors.

According to the Melges 24 Class Rule B.2.1.: The owner and helmsman shall be a current member of their NCA or, where there is no NCA in his country, a member of the ICA or and NCA nominated by the ICA.
This applies in all one-design racing from a club race up to a World Championship.

Proof of class membership shall be only by listing on the IM24CA website

IM24CA Treasurer has been issuing the invoices according to the current lists (you can make the changes yet) and the final deadline for dues payments is November 9.

All National Class Admins should have access to their members' edit area on the IM24CA website. If anyone needs guidelines or access yet, please kindly inform the IM24CA Admin at

National Classes are asked to send to a National Class Report as a short summary of your 2024 activities and situation before the AGM, latest on November 15th. 

All World Council members and Nations are asked to RSVP and confirm the name of their representatives or proxies and any observers of the AGM at by November 15th.  


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or to call me at +372 507 7217.

Kind regards,


IMw24CA Chief Measurer Branko Parunov - technical checks underway at the Melges 24 Europeans 2024 in Split, CRO