
If you'd told us six days ago that a fourteen year old kid would have Harry Melges on the ropes going into the final day of the Audi Melges 24 World Championship in San Francisco we'd have politely laughed you out of court.
M24 Since we saw you in Key West, where you were helming the Melges 24 for the first time, what have you been doing to get so good at Melges sailing? Shark "A lot of Melges sailing! In the past 8 months since Key West weve done about 60 days sailing.
After two more tough races at the Audi Melges 24 World Championships in San Francisco Harry Melges, helming for Jeff Ecklund, is still hanging onto his overall lead although fourteen year old Shark Kahn is giving him plenty to worry about and is now only 3 points behind him.
Harry Melges scored two impressive wins on the opening day of the Audi Melges 24 World Championships in San Francisco. It was a tough day of racing for the sixty nine strong fleet which has gathered from 10 nations for this sixth Melges 24 World Championship.
M24 - The first race today was very close between you and Rob Greenhalge. How did it pan out? HM - The first race was very close and Rob Greenhalge was going very fast.
Noon - The Melges 24 worlds fleet is currently sitting ashore waiting for wind at the St Francis Yacht Club. All eyes are trained west watching for signs of mist rolling in through the Golden Gate which the locals assure us will be the first sign that the sea breeze is on it's way.