
The scene was set for 14 Melges 24s at the second US ranking event of the year, in Annapolis poised for it's largest NOOD regatta ever. Sailing on the open water near Thomas point meant less Annapolis port traffic to deal with and, certainly kept us out of the way of the 80 J22's.
The official 2004 North American Championship Web site is up and running. Preparations are now underway for one of the hottest regattas to hit the Midwest region.
An invitation from the French Class - Have you ever sailed in La Rochelle, this beautiful old city and historic port on the seaside?
There are only a few weeks to go to the Torbole Melges Week Regatta, which takes place from 6-9 May on stunning Lake Guarda, Italy. This is the second event in the European Ranking Series and already a host of top boats are planning to attend.
The Marstrand Worlds organisers are still hard at work locating all the available accommodation in the Marstrand area for the World Championship. They have reserved 80 rooms (160 beds) at the Lokeberg Konference Hotel which is just 10 minutes drive from Marstrand.
From Christal Durand - Last racing day at the SNIM 2004. Why do regattas have to end, anyway? Why not keep the very cheerful atmosphere of the first day, when every crew is preparing their boat, is happy to meet the others again, and everything seems to be possible for everybody.