
The final day of racing at the Melges 24 North American Championship was, quite literally, a wash out with torrential rain and light cyclonic winds. The race committee, jury and 31 Melges 24 crews left the dock ready to attempt a 1230 start as scheduled but it was not to be.
A lack of wind meant no sailing today at the Melges 24 North American Champion in Santa Cruz, California. The boats went afloat ready for the scheduled 1230 start but it gradually became clear conditions werent developing as hoped.
The second day of the Melges 24 North American Championship brought more difficult racing as yet again Santa Cruz failed to deliver its typical conditions. Of the three races completed the first two were largely light and shifty giving the Race Committee plenty to keep them busy.
PRESS RELEASE - For the 31 strong Melges 24 North American Championship fleet in Santa Cruz, California, it was a demanding first day on the water as the weather gods played fast and loose with the normally reliable sea breeze.
The 31 teams have almost completed registration here in Santa Cruz and this afternoon PRO Hank Stuart and his team ran practise racing in the most stunning conditions. Clear blue skies, warm sun, fantastic ocean swells and 15-18 knots of wind gave the sailors plenty to smile about.
The U.S. Melges 24 Class Association in coordination with the Florida Yacht Club proudly announce a change in date and event format for the 2006 U.S. Melges 24 National Championship.