
From the German Class Association - From 24.-26. May the "Deutsche Touring Yacht Club" at Tutzing organised the "Bavarian Open 2006" - 14 boats followed the invitation and enjoyed great sailing on Lake Starnberg.
From the Finnish Class Association - Already two Finnish Melges 24 rankings behind the Finnish Melges 24 fleet-. The second ranking event was raced on the 20th and 21st of May. Three races in two days and in all in really different conditions.
On Thursday, 08th June Henri Samuel and Gnter Tzeschlock went to see NRV - the organizing club for the Melges 24 Europeans 2007 - at their base in Hamburg and met a well prepared team who are already aware of most of the demands the Melges 24 class has.It is also good to know that NRV is in close co
The 2006 IMCA World Council AGM will take place on Thursday 24th August in Hyeres. Representatives of each National Melges 24 Class, the IMCA Executive Committee and Melges 24 Builders Representatives will all be in attendance.
From the German Class Association - On weekend 13./14. May the first ever Melges24 Regatta was sailed in Austria. Josef Hackl and the SVK-race-committee organised an excellent event.
The closing date for Worlds entries is now only a few weeks away so please urgently go to the M24 WORLDS 06 WEB SITE to download the Notice of Race and Entry Form and get your entry in.