
Last week 28 Melges 24 sailed the Hank Race Week 2010. This event is one of the major events in Norway every year. Winds from very little to 8 - 9 m/s made the sailing exiting. The good after sail and social events added to the high spirit and good atmosphere.
High profile Australian yachtsmen Matt Allen and Warrick Rooklyn choose the Melges 24 to campaign between Hobarts. Having both come from larger One Design classes Allen and Rooklyn are drawn to the growing Melges 24 class.
With fifteen consecutive years in the Melges 24 fleet it is no surprise that Stuart Simpson and his UK crew aboard ‘Team Barbarians’ are well known on the international circuit.
Self-confessed speed freak Steve Kopf has been racing Melges 24s for nearly ten years and has just been elected to the presidency of the US Melges 24 Class Association.
The first event of the 2010 Volvo Cup Series in Italy saw yet another top-flight team join the Melges 24 regatta circuit in the form of Team Proximo, helmed by South African Ian Ainslie, a three time Olympian in Finn class and strategist aboard Shosholoza at the 2007 Americas Cup.
27 June 2010; Newport, R.I. - Congratulations to 2010 Layline Oakcliff Melges 24 U.S. National Champion Alan Field onWTFand his team comprised of Steve Hunt, Erik Shampain, Sarah Curran and Jeff Reynolds.