
The discussion about the style of hiking that has developed in the class has been ongoing both publicly and within the class. The Executive Committee has decided to lead the resolution of the discussions.
From Devoti Sailing - We believe all European crews are concentrating on the World Championship in Hyeres in August and are using the seasons races to prepare and test their boats. Owners are focused on the quality of the boats and equipment.
This year the Melges 24 Class is holding the first ever Nordic Championship. Organised in association with the Finnish Championship the event will take place in Mariehamn, Finland from 27-30 July and crews from across Scandinavia and Northern Europe will be competing.
From IMCA Administrator Fiona Brown - Just a quick note to remind you that the entry deadline for the 2006 Melges 24 North American Championship in Santa Cruz is coming up this Monday 1st May so to avoid paying a 30% entry surcharge please get your entry in now.
Regular Melges 24 fleet photographer Franco Rodino has kindly sent us a selection of images from the SNIM Regatta. Check out his pictures on OUR SNIM GALLERY or visit WWW.FRANCORODINO.COM to request further images.
The 1st May entry deadline for the North American Championship is fast approaching so to avoid having to pay the 30% late entry surcharge please visit WWW.MELGES24NA2006.COM where you can enter online and find all the info you need on accommodation and logistics.