
June 16, 2020 - Torbole, Italy - While the Covid-19 emergency seems to be heading towards a natural solution, the International Melges 24 Class Association is preparing to return where it has written the most exciting pages of its history: the race courses.
June 15, 2020 - International Melges 24 Class Association has called a virtual Extraordinary General Meeting of the World Council to be held on July 1st. The initial invitation was sent to all World Council members and IM24CA Executive Committee Members on May 11.
June 15, 2020 - Grand Traverse, USA - The Grand Traverse Yacht Club fired the starting gun on its annual Melges 24 Red Eight Regatta this past Saturday, June 13th, marking a return to racing in Region.
June 15, 2020 - Germany - Mit einem klaren Sieg haben die Familie Tarabochia (Steuermann Luis, Marco und Eigner Michael) mit Sebastian Bühler auf der Melges 24 „White Room“ (YC Langenargen) die Regattasaison aufgenommen. Sie waren zum Sportbootcup ins Salzkammergut (Österreich) gefahren.
June 15, 2020 - Salzkammergut, Wolfgangsee, Austria -A long-awaited kick-off of the2020 season for Melges 24 boats in Europe took place in Austria past weekend. On June 13-14 Union Yacht Club Wolfgangsee hosted Sportboot-Cup, considered as theEdelweißtrophy Melges 2020.
June 09, 2020 -Die Segler der Melges 24 in Europa sind heiß auf den ersten Start der Saison 2020.