
Races eight and nine of ten were sailed at the Melges 24 Worlds today in Marstrand and with a slight increase in breeze the 81 competitors had their best days sailing yet.
Day three at the Melges 24 Worlds in Marstrand saw three great races and three different race winners. Italians Luca Stefanini and Maurizio Abba won races five and six respectively with Bjorn Morland Pedersen from Norway taking the seventh.
Troisime journe de rgate Marstrand, avec trois manches disputes et trois vainqueurs diffrents pour la journe. Les italiens Luca Stefanini et Maurizio Abba ont gagn respectivement la cinquime et la sixime manche et le norvgien Bjorn Morland Pedersen la septime.
Press Release - Former Laser champion Eivind Melleby of Norway dominated day two of the Melges 24 World Championship in Marstrand taking two convincing wins as the rest of the fleet struggled for consistency in light and shifty conditions.
The 83 strong fleet from 15 nations experienced mixed fortunes on the opening day of the 2004 Melges 24 Worlds in Marstrand, Sweden. As we go to press there are still a number of ourstanding protests against the race committee which could considerably affect the overall results.
Press Release - This week eighty-three Melges 24 crews from fourteen nations and three continents are making their way to Marstrand, Sweden to compete in the 2004 International Melges 24 World Championship from 9-13 August.