
Racing resumed in St. Petersburg at the 2009 Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta with four races, each with its very own winner.
The 2009 Sperry Top-Sider St. Petersburg NOOD got off to a very slow start. The 45-strong fleet went into postponement from the onset of the day. Shortly before 9:00 a.m. the race committee put all on alert that the 9:30 start of day one had been placed on hold due to lack of breeze.
There's not a whole lot of wind right now for the Melges 24s waiting to race at the 2009 St Pete NOOD Regatta, but the USMCA's Joy Dunigan is on standby to bring you all the latest news on THE MELGES 24 BLOG as soon as things get underway.
The U.S. Melges 24 Class Association (USMCA) is proud to announce that the current Owner and Crew membership dues for 2009 have been reduced. That's right reduced.
It's no surprise the that the sportboat that stole the hearts of Sailing World Magazine's 1994 Boat of the Year panel is the largest fleet in attendance at their 2009 Sperry Top-Sider St. Petersburg NOOD Regatta happening this weekend February 13-15, hosted by the St. Petersburg Yacht Club.
The Hungarian Melges 24 Fleet has announced the dates for it's Open National Championship and for the Hungarian One Design Trophy Series which this year will include the Melges 24 Class. The Hungarian Open Championship will take place at Balatonlelle on Lake Balaton from 1-3 May 2009.