
There are just two weeks to go until the start of the 2009 Melges 24 European Ranking Series which opens with the classic SNIM Regatta in Marseille, South of France over the Easter Weekend from 10-13 April.
The Volvo Cup Alassio photo gallery has now been update with the final day three images from official Volvo photographer Pierrick Contin. Our thanks to Pierrick and Volvo for these amazing photos - if you need to know what makes Melges 24 sailing so special just check out this amazing gallery.
The final day of racing at the opening 2009 Italian Volvo Cup event in Alassio provided an exciting final showdown to an event thatbrought usclassic Melges 24 racing from start to finish.
Official Volvo Cup photographer Pierrick Contin has sent us another great batch of images from day two of the Volvo Cup in Alassio. Check out our Galleryfor Pierrick's latest shots and find out more about Pierrick from his web site at WWW.PIERRICKCONTIN.FR.
"Fantastic weather, blue skies, blue water, great wind, thrills, spills and amazing racing." is how IMCA Secretary/Treasurer Tomi Hakola from Finland summed up today's second day of racing at the Italian Volvo Cup event in Alassio.
Official Volvo Cup photographer Pierrick Contin was hard at work on day one of the opening 2009 Volvo Cup event in Alassio and brings us an amazing GALLERY of images. Although rather chilly, sailing conditions were near perfect as Pierrick's amazing images show.