
Racing at the Melges 24 2012 NSW State Titles started at 5pm last Friday afternoon, in cloudy overcast conditions, SSE five to ten knots, after two races boats returned to the dock at 8pm.
Dear Friends. We had a great year of sailing in the Melegs 24 Class in 2012.
Just when you think the race has been run and places secured in a Pittwater regatta, winds shift direction keeping the fleet tight and fighting hard until the final leg. This was the case for the Melges East Coast Championships hosted by the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht over the weekend.
The 2012 Melges 24 World and Continental Ranking series featured 21 events across Europe and North America, opening with Quantum Key West Race Week and incorporating the Melges 24 World and North American Championships plus a host of National Championships and major regional events across Europe and
The Final version of the IMCA World Council AGM Agenda incorporating all Amendments and supporting documents is now available online at A very large number of submissions were received for the AGM, some of which concern the same or overlapping subjects.
Portoroz, Slovenia – 28thOctober 2012 - Between Friday and Sunday the Slovenian coast was hosting this year’s Open Slovenian National Championship of Melges24.