A Word From Our Chairman

Dear Melges24-Community,

Just a few words on the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2009 which was held on November 14th 2009 in London:

First of all the AGM  is not just a "must" because the constitution requires it - the AGM is hard work and an important time to discuss and to decide on the future of the class.

Thanks to an excellent preparation of the meeting by Fiona Brown, David Chivers and Tomi Hakola and the input of the parties attending, the meeting was very effective.

7 national classes + 1 builder (Melges Performance) were present at the meeting, 2 national class/ExCom members, 1 builder and the Championship Coordinator were linked via Skype to the meeting room. The missing parties have sent in their apologizes supported by written Builder- or class-reports and only few classes were on stealth mode. That's a pity but may be normal in volunteer driven organizations.

There is still some uncertainness in the Executive Committee's (ExCom) work and the AGM in particular - but it is easy to explain:

The ExCom / AGM should be nothing else than a reflection of the member's needs and wishes, an opportunity to check them against rules and regulations and finally to report to ISAF.

Therefore it is essential that the class members work actively with their national class associations (NCA) and the national classes work actively with the ExCom and vice versa.

Report to your NCA  - they have to report to their members to discuss the issue and finally to the ExCom if your input is reflecting the NCA's majority.

For sure the whole IMCA team is pleased to answer direct requests as we did before.

But an individual is not able to ask the ExCom for a rule change or to expect the ExCom to launch a rule change on his/her individual behalf - this procedure has to be launched by the NCA.

Communication is the "magic word". To communicate this message we will offer a workshop for national class representatives on this during the Worlds 2010 at Tallinn.

Just few information what we have decided on:

1.     Class Rules

Per 14th Nov. no rule change was agreed for the fixed forestay  nor for the check of the crew weight - other rule changes which passed the votes were more or less on the administrative side.

There has been vital communication on various matters prior the meeting but none of the NCAs was willing or able to propose any different wording to decide on (forestay and weight checks).

2.     Constitution

We decided to enable an "Extraordinary General Meeting" which may be called for between the AGMs to react quickly on special requests . The complete wording on the sense and procedures will be found in the minutes and very soon in the updated constitution.

Other major decision was to change the fiscal year to 01st Jan. - 31st Dec. - national classes are recommended to act accordingly.

I recommend to read the AGM Minutes carefully to be aware on the various issues.

I wish you already today a nice Christmas Season and will be happy to meet many of you in Melges 24 Races next year - latest at the 2010 Worlds in Tallinn.

Guenter Tzeschlock
IMCA Chairman