USMCA Executive Committee Changing of the Guard

From the USMCA - Travis Weisleder will assume the role of U.S. Melges 24 Class Association (USMCA) President. This position was formerly occupied by USMCA Immediate Past President Scott Gregory, from Atlanta, Ga. "For many years Scott has served the class in a variety of capacities. He initially started as Southeast District Governor, then transitioned in as Vice President of the class, then President. Scott's contributions to the Melges 24 class both personally and professionally have been invaluable. For several years he has guided the USMCA down a path of growth and success,' says Weisleder about his colleague, fellow competitor and friend. "I encourage everyone, the next time that you see Scott be sure to thank him for his hard work and generosities extended to the class."

Weisleder will also assume the position of International Melges 24 Class Association (IMCA) Vice Chairman (North America).

Transitioning in as USMCA Vice President is former Northeast District Governor Bill Carleton based in Annapolis, Md. Carleton first served as Annapolis Fleet Captain, then became District Governor in 2006. He is also the Class Coordinator for the 2008 North American Championship and 2009 Worlds. Bill has also accepted the position of Member (North America) on the IMCA Executive Committee.

The USMCA also welcomes two brand-new individuals to the Board of Governors. Replacing former West Coast District Governor Don Jesberg is Neal Ruxton based in San Francisco, Calif. He will head up the USMCA's third largest regional fleet. Stepping up to serve as USMCA Northeast District Governor is J.C. Raby from Newport, R.I. Both Neal and J.C. are long-term Melges 24 owners and are proven, formidable leaders whether it be for major championships or local club regattas.

USMCA Communications Director, Joy Dunigan will assume the additional responsibility of Executive Secretary in which her specific tasks will include facilitating day-to-day U.S. National Class administrative duties.

The U.S. Melges 24 Class Association would like to extend, in the greatest of appreciation and acknowledgement all the hard work and dedication given by Scott Gregory and Don Jesberg over the last few years. We wish you both all the best with future endeavors.

PLEASE NOTE: The USMCA will hold a formal Class AGM during the 2008 OSA Sailing Melges 24 U.S. National Championship in Charleston, S.C. on Thursday, September 18th at 6:30 p.m, at the Charleston Yacht Club. All owners are welcome to attend. Please take this special opportunity to come and meet the Executive Committee and attending District Governors in person.