Urgent - Sheave Box Issue on Melges 24 Masts

From John Clinton, General Manager – One Design, Southern Spars - Subject: Sheave box issues on M24 masts - Jib Halyard Sheave Pin Check - We have recently become aware that some masts supplied since early 2006 may have jib sheave pins that are too short.
The short pins have been fitted to very few masts, but can have serious consequences if the pin slides sideways inside the mast.

We recommend that anyone with a mast ID# 988 and higher check their mast.
If you remove the sheave pin cover, the pin should be cut flush with the outside face of the mast. If your pin is anymore than 0.5mm short of this, then we want to replace the pin.

To prevent this potential problem in the future, all new masts are being supplied with the pin cover welded on one side so that the other side can protrude beyond the mastwall. These new pins are available and simple to fit to existing masts.

If you believe that your sheave pin is short, then please send an e-mail to E-mail john.c@southernspars.com and we will immediately courier you a replacement pin.

Please include your preferred delivery address.

We will also be present during measurement at the 2007 World Championships to look at rigs.

Pins will be supplied with instructions for fitting.

Thank you for your time to check this and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions

Good luck and fair wind this season!

John Clinton
General Manger- One Design
Southern Spars
E-mail john.c@southernspars.com