Two European Ranking Events in Two Weeks

The Estonian and Finnish Open Championships are in 2 months and give a unique oppportunity as follows:-

1) put the boat on a ferrry to Finland and we tow it to the Estonian Championships (in Pärnu Estonia from the 16th to 17th of June)

2) after the competitions you fly back and we tow the boat to Helsinki for the Finnish Championhips.

3) then you fly to Helsinki on the 28th of June, compete the Finnish Championships and fly back on the 2nd of July.

4) we ship the boat back to you during week 27

The Finnish Melges 24 Fleet will assist you in all thing - don´t hesitate to contact us!

What could be better than compete two championship / European ranking events in two weeks and in magnifant northern Europe places.

To mention the aim is that we have +20 boats on the starting line in both competitions


Tomi Hakola
Finnish Melges 24 Fleet
GSM +358 40 535 2020