Two Bullets For Cameron Miles On Day One Of The Australian Championship In Queensland

Sunny Queensland and day one started with rain, overcast skies and about 3 knots of breeze, East /South East .
The start boat managed to get races away on time even though a delay looked possible.  As the rain eased the breeze filled in to 6-8 knots for the afternoon.
Race one Geoff Masters  Jolt  AUS 746 and Cameron Miles Roger That AUS  762  took a shift to the left  at the start line which paid off.  Roger That was first to the top mark, Masters  second,  Ian Barr Dirty Girl AUS 555 third. Two minutes separated the first and last boats.
Downwind positions changed due to the light variable winds.  Jolt went back to the left and let Dirty Girl through.  Bottom  gate  Heath Walters Matilda chose the right hand gate and the favoured left side of the course making good gains to position themselves in third place at the finish. Roger That maintained their lead for a win and Dirty Girl second.
Race two was a competitive short start line.  David Farrimond Vitesse AUS  710 nailed the start with full boat speed on the boat end of the line.  Roger That was  first to the top mark, Matilda hot on their heels in second and a gap to Nick Moriarty Business Time AUS 206 closely followed by Heath Townsend Kaito AUS 709. Kaito and Business Time fought it out over the course.  The sun made a brief appearance in time to head back to RQ for beers on the dock.  Placing;  first Roger That, five seconds later Matilda followed by Kaito third.
Two bullets for Cameron Miles and his crew on Roger That, Heath Walters Matilda second and Kaito third heading into day two.  
Similar light, variable conditions are forecast tomorrow, three races scheduled.
Tracey Walters