Torbole Melges Week Report

From Günter Tzeschlock - Mentioning 5 highlights describes perfect what we have experienced during Melges24 Week 2006 in Torbole - final run for the Italian Volvo Cup 06:

• 62 boats on the line, coming from 7 different nations
• Typical Lake Garda winds as expected
• Just one class on the spot – no problems when craning and mooring the boats
• Summer weather at its best
• Nice social events following the races

The biggest fleet ever seen in the Melges24 Week at Circolo Vela Torbole could sail 11 races – 9 of the in the typical afternoon breeze “Ora” from Thursday to Saturday and the 2 races on Sunday morning in the strong Northern Breeze named “Vento”.

Even if the Ora died a little when approaching the weather mark as soon as the kites were up boats started planning to the lee-gate with increasing winds and as soon as the fleet passed the free-climbers-rock boats were in full speed with 15 knots and more.
The “Vento-races” on Sunday were (as expected) in strong 20-25 knots wind with challenging conditions.

As expected in such a big fleet on a lake venue it was necessary that the teams follow the rules – already in skippers briefing the head umpire mentioned “if you approach an area where are 400 sqm of carbon and plastic do not sail with full speed”. Some didn’t follow this advice and therefore some major damages happened. But the Devoti-team on the spot was able to help theses injured boats and most of them could start again on the following day.

Nothing special on the results which you will learn from the list attached – perhaps worth to mention that “Team Blu Moon” had to leave on Saturday as Chris Rast had to sail in the 49er Europeans in the UK. Therefore they couldn’t discard their OCS in race no. 3 and missed a position in the Top 3.

The successful team on their 2006 Devoti ITA 643 helmed by Nicola Celon showed an excellent performance and could win with just a 3 points gap to the Partner & Partner Team from France. Winner of the Corinthian division was GER 582 Alba Batzill / Eddy Eich followed by a new team from Germany GER 320 Christof Wieland/Bene Klock.

Following the races boats were craned out and managed by the extremely friendly and helpful staff of CVT in an outstanding style – people who have never been in Torbole should know the club area is small – really small! But within 2 hours nearly all boats were ready to go and could join a nice price giving organised by the club and the Italian fleet.

Additional must be mentioned that on each day after races crew got a free drink, fresh fruits and pasta as soon as they entered the docks and boats were cleared up.
On Saturday evening CVT invited for its race-dinner highlighted by a lottery where some crews could pick up brand new sails given by “North Sails Italia” – thanks to Daniele Casighari – and watches of co-sponsor “Sector”.

An advice to all: Do not miss the Torbole Melges Week 2007 – if it is organized like the 2006 event – perhaps with some additional on water judges – it will be highlight of your sailing season.
GT / 04.08.2006