Terry Hutchinson And Scott Nixon Get Set For 2009 Melges 24 Worlds In Annapolis As Tacktick Confirms Sponsorship Of Event Media Coverage

The scene is set for a showdown of biblical proportions when the best one-design sportsboat sailors from across the US and Europe finally square up to each other at the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship in Annapolis, MD next month.

With less than a month to the start of racing, it appears that the preparation from all of the main contenders is well advanced. None more so than the reigning North American Champion crew on Quantum Racing where Scott Nixon will once again be calling tactics for helmsman Terry Hutchinson. IMCA Press Officer Justin Chisholm caught up with Scott and Terry recently to find out how their run up to the regatta was going.

According to Scott, 2009 has been a busy year for all concerned. “We have been slowly gearing up for the Worlds with a few select regattas this year, including the St Pete NOOD, Charleston Race Week and the Sail Newport Regatta. Our team is from all corners of the USA and all but our bowgirl Amy Ironmonger are professionals, so we have each been doing full schedules in a variety of classes and boats. Terry has been busy in the Farr 40 and TP52 so we have been doing some training and testing as a group to make sure that we are ready for the intense October schedule when he gets back on board. I drove a few events to get a better feel for the boat and we brought in some really good tacticians, including Chris Raast and Charlie Ogletree, to bring some outside opinions on what we can do better and differently in our preparations for the Worlds. This has mixed it up a bit on board and has made the sailing a lot of fun for our whole group. We all have been doing a ton of sailing in other classes with other owners so we really look forward to our time together as a team on our own boat. It really is enjoyable to sail with this dedicated and focused group and it puts a ton of fun back into sailing for us. We are more focused on quality time, than just the quantity of time in the boat. We have worked on getting our sails, rig tune and boat prepared, so October will be used to get us all comfortable in the boat and working together as a team again on the water.”

In terms of goal setting Nixon is keeping it simple “With all the top international teams traveling to Annapolis, this Worlds will be one of the toughest in recent years. Our goals are to walk away from this event knowing that we gave it 110%. Minimizing mistakes from day one until the last leg of the last race are what we strive to do. If this is enough to get us to the top we will be stoked.”

After a season of Farr 40 and TP52 campaigning Terry Hutchinson is clearly delighted to have the opportunity to round off his season with a crack at the Melges 24 World Championship. “The Melges 24 has the reputation of high standards and great sailors. This World Championship will be no different. Our team goal is to lay out a plan early on that allows us to sail better in every race. This includes everything from my starting, to our rig set up and boat handling.  Every day has to be about being better than the day before.  The results take care of themselves but if we cannot do things well on the boat then chances are we get beaten.  For me personally I look forward to these opportunities to improve my game in areas that I have been struggling and to learn. Knowing the Melges 24 class and the level of competition I know we will achieve this goal.”

As a local boy Terry says he doesn’t have a preference on the weather conditions for the Championship. “I am just psyched to be racing what I know will be a great regatta and sleeping in my own bed.  Lord knows, regardless of how challenging the day will be on the water, getting my kids to do their homework at night will be harder!”

Tacktick, the world leader in wireless, solar powered electronics for the marine industry, will be the Official Sponsor of the Media Output from the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship.  This is the second time that Tacktick has partnered with the Melges 24 class as Media Output Sponsor (the first being for the 2009 European Championship in Hyeres) and their support will enable the class to bring you blow by blow coverage from the race course through its et/lt/t_go.php?i=10208&e=NTMxMTUy&l=-http--blog.melges24.com">Live Blog, pre and post racing video interviews with the competitors, daily sailing video round-ups, top quality photography and daily news releases.  For a taste of coverage to come check out Justin Chisholm’s recent interviews with Morgan Reeser, Lorenzo Santini, Federico Michetti, Nigel Young and Jamie Lea over on the Blog

Tacktick is no stranger to the Melges 24 class and its Race Master and Maxi units are used by Melges 24 sailors across the world to maximize their performance.  In addition to their generous sponsorship of the media output, Tacktick has also donated a brand new Tacktick Maxi, valued at over $1,300 to be awarded to the winning boat in the Corinthian (all amateur) Division where we can once again expect cutthroat competition among the all amateur teams as they go head to head against the pros.

Entries for the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship close on 9 October so if you have not registered yet please do so as soon as possible. Register Online. Corinthian competitors are reminded that their full crew lists including all required ISAF ID and sailor classification information need to be submitted by 9 October absolute latest. Bookmark the Official Event Website. View the List Of Current Entries


Pusser’s Rum – Official Rum
The official rum for the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship is Pusser’s Rum.  Rum and the sea are inseparable, and no rum is more akin to the sea and the sailor than Pusser's Rum–the Original Navy Rum. Pusser’s continues its long standing association with the Melges 24 Class by hosting the mid-week Pusser’s Painkiller Party as well as providing their legendary Pusser’s Painkiller cocktails for the daily post racing gatherings and sponsoring the Pusser’s WipeOut Of The Day competition. 

Coral Reef Sailing Apparel & Gill - Official Apparel Sponsor
The official apparel sponsor for the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship is Coral Reef Sailing Apparel (CRSA) and Gill. CRSA is continuing their strong commitment to the Melges 24 class by providing apparel for the World Championship. Items can be purchased online now, or on-site at the event. Gill is a brand leader in foul weather apparel specific to the sailing enthusiast.

Atlantic Yacht Rigging - Official Rigging Partner
The official rigging partner for the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship is Atlantic Yacht Rigging. AYRS is a full service company that can help with any of your rigging or repair needs any time of the year. From wire swaging projects to fiberglass repair and everything in between, they will be onsite providing the best service to the entire fleet. 

Tacktick - Official IMCA Media Output Sponsor
Tacktick, the world leader in wireless, solar powered electronics for the marine industry, is the Official Sponsor of the Media Output from the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship. Tacktick’s support will enable the class to provide media output in the form of daily press releases, live online reporting from the racecourse via the official Melges 24 Blog as well as on the dock video interviews with the sailors. 

Other supporting sponsors include t2p.tvNational Sailing Hall of Fame,  BoatingLaw.comMarinaCastTV,Go!The Airport ShuttleBoatyard Bar and GrillSam's Waterfront CafeAPS LtdPusser’s Caribbean Grille at the Annapolis Marriott Waterfront, Team Barbarians, RACEBOOK-USNorth Sails One DesignSailFastPhotoPantherVisionChesapeake Bay Roasting Co.Bert Jabin's Yacht YardSail 22Latis Yachting Solutions SheSails, Inc. Quantum Sails and Kathryn M. Weber, CPA. This event is also supported by the International Melges 24 Class Association (IMCA), the U.S. Melges 24 Class Association (USMCA) and the Annapolis Melges 24 Fleet #22. 

The Melges 24 Class and Eastport Yacht Club are extremely proud to be partnered with these outstanding companies and sincerely thank them for their generous support of the 2009 Worlds.

Sponsorship opportunities still exist and tax deductible donations are also being accepted; please contact 2009 World Championship Regatta Chair Liz Filter if you would like to make a gift.


Visit the official event website at www.melges24worlds2009.com for more information on the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship. Also, visit the Eastport Yacht Club online.

The Melges 24 is designed by Reichel Pugh and considered the most unique one design sportboat in the world as well as one of the fastest-growing classes of high performance yachts. For more information, visit the official class websites of the International Melges 24 Class Association (IMCA)and U.S. Melges 24 Class Association (USMCA).

For more information or press photos, please contact:

Joy Dunigan
U.S. Melges 24 Class Association (USMCA)
2009 Melges 24 World Championship Press Chair
Class Communications Director | Executive Secretary
+1 (912) 398-5776
Skype: joysavannah

Justin Chisholm 
International Melges 24 Class Association (IMCA)
2009 Melges 24 World Championship Press Officer
+44 7769 938722
Skype: justinchis 

Fiona Brown
International Melges 24 Class Association (IMCA)
+44 (0) 7711 718470
Skype: fpbrown

Nancy Noyes
Eastport Yacht Club (EYC) 
2009 Melges 24 World Championship Press Officer
+1 (410) 263-5028 

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