Tell Us What Articles You Would Like To See In The Melges 24 eNews And Website

Is there a Melges 24 sailor you think would make a great interviewee?  Have you thought of a great Melges 24 article topic? Are you yearning for help from the class superstars to improve a specific piece of Melges 24 technique?

I hope you are enjoying the articles I have been putting together during 2009 for the IM24CA eNews and website. So far I have been writing about the topics and people that I believe the International Melges 24 community would find interesting, but I would love to get some input from you all on what you would like to see in future issues. If there is a subject you think needs exploring, a sailor you would like to know more about, or even have a burning Melges 24 racecourse technique question, then let me know and I will do my best to include your suggestion in a forthcoming edition of the newsletter.

Let me have your suggestions by email to . I know the members of the Melges 24 won't be shy and I look forward to receiving a flood of article suggestions.

Good racing

Justin Chisholm