South Australian Melges 24 State Titles June 7-8: "Red Mist" finally ascends at Port Lincoln in a closely fought battle

The picturesque and sheltered waters of Boston Bay on the Eyre Peninsula were the venue for the South Australian (SA) Melges 24 (M24) Fleet's SA State Titles held over the 7th/8th June weekend; Port Lincoln Yacht Club (PLYC) kindly hosting a nine boat M24 fleet as part of the PLYC's long established Frostbite Regatta. 

The seven boat SA M24 fleet and PLYC were especially delighted to welcome two additional long distance travelers from NSW ("The Kraken") and Victoria ("Jester 4") both boats being crewed by successful campaigners in other classes but essentially new M24 teams seeking close OD racing in this global sport-boat class. Activities were expected to be intense on and off the water given PLYC's reputation for fair winds, outstanding great racing and race management and tremendous hospitality. 

Saturday dawned, bright, warm and Nor'easterly breezy. PLYC's excellent Race Management set 3 lap W/ L M24s. It was to prove great fun and quite a spectacle to those watching from the Esplanade or on PLYC's enormous start launch. This M24 fleet were to have identical boat speed post Worlds but with a focus on tactics round the track in bay breezes but not quite planing conditions, perfect maneuvering and being consistently somehow in the right place would be rewarded. It was to be "nip and tuck" with very tight finishes in all races and in almost every race under a minute covering the entire fleet after a 40 minutes of racing. 

NSW's Ayden Menzies and his crew on "The Kraken" wasted no time in announcing their intent with a bullet in race 1. With PLYC local Miles Stephens a deserved 2nd guesting on "Outlier" (AKA "The Black Boat") and Robbie Duessen's "Red Mist" 3rd, the stoush was on! The Adelaide based fleet's reputation was now on the line versus the unfamiliar but worthy opponents. Race 2's rousing start saw "Kraken" have to return to the line so now this time it was Victorian Johnno Bannister and his crew on "Jester 4" proving their new boat wasn't just there just to provide amusement for everyone either by nicking the win. 2 races to the out-of-state guys. It was apparent however that order might return soon with "Red Mist" 2nd and Dave Alexander's harvesting a 3rd on "The Farm" with his new team. Indeed the final race of the day saw "'Mist" followed by "The Farm" duking it out all round the course. Experience in the local breezes helps but so does consistency. "The Kraken" returned with a 3rd.

As is traditional at the Frostbite PLYC blew the doors off food and beverage wise on Saturday evening with the PLYC welcoming the fleet with the most enormous prawn and seafood banquet to go with the extended refreshments and "laying up supper" feel. The combination of Melges and other visitor crews partied long into the night in an unexpected epic even for Port Lincoln. The fabulous Frostbite party left all M24 team's feeling fairly "average' on Sunday morning. The hearty recovery breakfast offered at the club by it's redoubtable volunteers who had somehow begun cooking again at 6 a.m. was very welcome. 

Sunday dawned cooler with the Bay a wintry glass reflecting the barometer's height. In the light airs the tactical intensity would now be increased wether the minds were up for it or not! It was agreed by all however that the arriving gentle 8kts initial conditions were greatly appreciated by the metabolism of those hiking an M24!

In the variable conditions "Red Mist" were up to the challenge to take the first bullet with "The Farm" taking the 2nd race with Luke Stephens helming "Adrenaline" to two 2nds in the first two hit outs. These three boats were finishing within 18 seconds of each other after 40 minutes racing. However it was the last race that proved the best of all with "The Kraken" resurgent engaging in a monstrous gybing dual with "Red Mist" for the bullet followed by "The Farm". "'Mist" took that final bullet with "The Farm" 2nd and "Kraken" celebrating a 3rd for their efforts being piped at the end. 

Robbie Duessen and his crew on "Red Mist" won the SA M24 title overall followed by Dave Alexander and co on "The Farm" and Johnno Bannister/ John Newman "Jester 4" always well sailed for 3rd with Menzies' "Kraken" sharing points but pipping "Adrenaline" for 4th.

The returning out-of-state participants pronounced themselves "stoked" and "extremely pleased" with the whole Frostbite experience being "well worth the effort".

As the SA M24 fleet prepares to host the Australian M24 Nationals at Adelaide in 2015 the SA M24 fleet left promising to return the favour for the NSW State Titles. 

By SA M24 Fleet Correspondent

South Australian M24 Titles 2014 - Linda Hughes 'Port Lincoln inaugural SA Melges State Titles - South Australian M24 Titles 2014'    Linda Hughes