From Dimitri Nicolopoulos of the French Class - As of today, over 40 Melges are already registered for the SNIM. We have competitors coming from 7 countries and the first competitor from Sweden arrived yesterday in the CMV parking lot! We hope that the 2004 event will have even more competitors than last year's 76 entries.

The Societe Nautique de Marseille ( and the French Class are making every effort to make the event a success and we are looking forward to see the usual Melges crowd on the starting line. We would like to remind competitors that the racing will take place from Friday April 9 to Monday April 12 (Easter Monday) and that the Melges will be welcome from now on the Centre Municipal de Voile (CMV) parking lot.

We also would like to remind everyone about the coming MASSILIA CUP ( which is organized by another Marseille yacht club, the CNTL. This tune up race will take place two weeks before the SNIM on the very same racing area, Marseille South Bay. We already enjoy over 15 registrations for the MASSILIA and CNTL is eager to grow this number significantly before the first race on Friday March 26.

Last, we welcome everyone to a 2 days training week end on April 3 and 4. The boats will be put to the water in CMV and back on their trailers (no dismasting needed) on the sunday evening until the SNIM 4 days later. Please contact Dimitri Nicolopoulos (see below) for the training details.

French Class: Dimitri Nicolopoulos / / +33 (0) 6 19 34 72 01
SNM: Chantal Benigni / / +33 (0) 4 91 54 32 03
CNTL: Claude Bauler / / +33 (0) 4 91 59 82 00

Dimitri Nicolopoulos
54 Rue Montgrand BP232
13178 Marseille Cedex 20
Tel: +33 (0) 4 91 59 92 10
Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 59 92 12