SNIM 2004 is gearing up and as usual we are expecting around 80 boats for this flagship event! Societe Nautique de Marseille is working hard with the French Class support to make the 2004 event once again unforgetable. The racing will begin on friday April 9th and last until monday April 12th. The sunny Mediteranean climate should reward all of the attendants meanwhile the 'Mistral' wind has been invited as usual (he rarely misses the event!) and should help sort the men from the boys. In the recent years, Black Seal from the UK was the undisputed hero of the regatta but they will not be racing this year so we are looking forward to a new champion this spring...

Organization wise, a few changes are meant to make life easier for the Melges sailors. The yachts that will attend the pre-event (the Massilia Cup, March 26-28) will be welcomed, put afloat and stored in the CMV until the SNIM (CMV is the location of the SNIM registration and craning for Melges). Furthermore, a training session will be organized on the April 3-4 week end by the French Class, with the support of CMV the French Sailing Association and CN La Pelle. Boats will be put afloat saturday morning and ashore on sunday evening. The training will be performed under the supervision of a coach. No fees will be charged to the attendants for staying in the CMV during this period, craning services or training session.

Notice of Race & Entry Form


French Class and training information/registration: E-mail Dimitri Nicolopoulos

Societe Nautique de Marseille : E-mail Chantal Begnini

Massilia Cup: E-mail Claude Bauler / CNTL