Sheehy Lexus of Annapolis Melges 24 Worlds - Competitor Update No 1

Dear Competitors - Welcome to competitor update No 1!  With just a week to go until the start of registration for the Sheehy Lexus of Annapolis 2009 Melges 24 World Championship we will use these updates to remind you about important matters as you prepare for the event.   

Entry closed last weekend and we have a confirmed entry of 55 boats with 14 Corinthian teams.  Whilst the numbers might be lower than we would all have liked, thanks largely to our old friend the economic downturn, the quality of competitors is higher than ever and you don't just have to take our word for that - here's what Sailing Anarchy's Mr Clean has to say about you all this morning "...this is the gold standard for small boat racing, and its hard not to get excited knowing what kind of drama and action is in store for us in just a few days."

As you prepare for the event please take note of the following important information.  If you have any questions or need assistance please contact:-

EYC - Regatta Chair Liz Filter -

IMCA - Administrator Fiona Brown –


Hopefully by now you have all seen the announcements confirming the great news that our main Regatta Centre will be based at the Annapolis City Dock right in the heart of downtown Annapolis.  Please don't forget that registration and launching are still based at the Annapolis Sailing School (ASS) so on arrival in Annapolis please proceed straight to the ASS where you can check in, pick up your packs and generally start finding your feet.  The City Dock facility will be open from Friday morning and you can transfer across to there as soon as you have completed your registration and measurement procedures.

To help you find your way around the organisers have published some very helpful maps and site layout drawings at the EVENT WEB SITE along with the street addresses for the two locations to put into your GPSs.  Also make sure you are familiar with the EVENT SCHEDULE so you know not only when registration and racing takes place but also where to party each evening!


Please make sure that your measurement certificate is valid as failure to present a valid original certificate (copies are not acceptable) will result in disqualification.  The format of the certificates varies from country to country but there are essentially two basic options.  Either the certificates are issued by the National Class Association or by the National Authority (RYA, DSV, etc).  To find out how to obtain a Certificate in your country please contact your NATIONAL CLASS ADMINISTRATOR.

Under the new 2009 ISAF Class Rules the data required to be shown on the certificate is now closely specified regardless of whether they are issued by the Class or the National Authority.  Certificates issued by the Melges 24 National Classes since 3 March 09 should all use the exact same layout and format which you can see in our ONLINE TEMPLATE.  Certificates issued by National Authorities may use an alternative format but they must still incorporate all the data as per the template/class rules.

A certificate is only valid if it carries the current owner's name - so if you have recently purchased a used boat and haven't yet obtained a new certificate please make sure you do this before arrival in Annapolis.

As the majority of boats at this regatta are US owned would all US owners please note the following USMCA specific Certificate information:-

The USMCA is the issuing authority for Melges 24 Certificates in the USA.  Prior to 3 March 2009 a valid US Measurement Certificate was created by endorsing the Measurement Form (form must be dated 2008 or earlier) by stamping it with the USMCA official stamp, and applying the issuing date and the signature of the issuing officer.  The Measurement Form alone is not a valid Measurement Certificate so if you cannot clearly see the USMCA official stamp, issue date and signature endorsing your form it has not been converted to a Certificate.  If you have purchased a new or used boat since 3 March 2009 your Measurement Certificate must now be on the new style form as above.  If you have any other certificate related queries please most urgently contact USMCA Exec Secretary Joy Dunigan Tel (912) 756-6706 or E-mail who will help you.


The Class Rules also require that the owner of the boat is a Full Member of the Melges 24 Class and that all non-owner helmsmen must also be members of the Class.  If your name and sail number does not appear on the membership list for your country at WWW.MELGES24.COM please immediately contact your NATIONAL CLASS ADMINISTRATOR to get your membership updated. 

US Class Members are reminded that the USMCA membership year runs from 15 October to 14 October meaning that all USMCA members must renew their membership to be eligible to compete in the regatta.  You can RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP ONLINE or if you have queries please contact USMCA Exec Secretary Joy Dunigan Tel (912) 756-6706. E-mail who will help you.


The SAILING INSTRUCTIONS are now available online.


The integrity of the class is based on sound rules with everyone adhering to them. There will, as always, be close scrutinizing of all the boats during registration and throughout the regatta to ensure that the class rules are being complied with. Please make sure that you have checked you boat and that you have downloaded the latest CLASS RULES to ensure that you will have no problems. Remember the basis of the rules is “If it does not say you can – then you can’t”. This applies to everything so do check that the good idea you have is specifically allowed.


Illegal FittingSome people like to try new fittings without checking the rules and this can cause problems. As an example, the fitting shown in the photograph left would be classed as illegal because it is not a permitted fitting and under class rule C.7.2(a)15 as it is not "over" a fitting. The hiking line is not a fitting.

This particular fitting was originally supplied by Sail 22 and customers who purchased it should note that the company now offers a class legal version of it so please contact them to arrange a replacement. 

Please take out your copy of the CLASS RULES, and check your boats now so you can avoid problems later as the measurers will require you to remove or rectify anything illegal.

HIKING RULESIllegal Hiking

Please remember that the Melges 24 Class has rules that specifically govern hiking and that the International Jury will be watching for infringements on the water with the ability to give you an instant penalty if they see an illegal technique. 

Please read IMCA Technical Advisor David Chiver's extremely helpful HIKING RULE NOTES where you will also find a good selection of photographs showing legal and illegal hiking methods (the method in the photo right is most definitely illegal!). 





Please don't forget that under class rules C.6.1.6 and C.6.2.5 the mast and boom must both be fitted with a securely fixed sail track stop.  If in any doubt please CLICK HERE for full details of this rule, how to obtain your track stops and for a handy sketch showing how to correctly fit your track stop if you mainsail has a full length bolt rope or a cut back bolt rope (and don't forget that if you have changed your mainsail bolt rope recently you should double check your stop position to make sure it is still correct).


Those of you who submitted your full crew lists with correct ISAF IDs, Classifications and Expiry Dates (ie valid until at least the last day of the championship) have been included in the Corinthian entry list, which has now been submitted to the ISAF Sailor Classification Commission for checking.

Please note that ISAF Sailor Classification Commission Representative Mr Dobbs Davis will be attending the World Championship to conduct interviews with crew representatives from the Corinthian teams during registration.  A schedule for these interviews will be published shortly.  Attendance for interview is compulsory and failure to attend will result in disqualification from the Corinthian Division.

The confirmed Corinthian Entry List will be published once all interviews are completed



For further information about the Sheehy Lexus of Annapolis 2009 International Melges 24 World Championship please visit the EVENT WEB SITE  or contact EYC - Regatta Chair Liz Filter - or IMCA - Administrator Fiona Brown –