Save $50 on Entry for North American Championship If You Enter Before Friday

To avoid paying a US$50 late entry fee make sure you get your entry in for the 2008 Melges 24 North American Championship (Eastport YC, Annapolis, 26 October - 2 November) by this Friday 26 September absolute latest. You can register online right away at Late entries will be accepted right up until 17 October but after Friday the entry fee goes up by US$50 so act now and save money!

Please also remember that this Friday 26 September is the absolute closing deadline for all Corinthian entries for the event and that Corinthian entries must be accompanied by your full crew list including ISAF IDs, classifications and expiry dates.

If you have previously submitted an entry for the Corinthian division but not yet provided your crew information please remember that you must provide this by Friday 26 September latest. Go to the ONLINE REGISTRATION FACILITY, log in using your unique ID provided at the time you entered and update your crew information. Please remember that all helms in the Corinthian division must be ISAF Classification 1 and that crew members must be Classification 1 or 2 - no Classification 3 sailors can compete in the Corinthian Division. Teams that do not supply their full crew list by Friday will only be permitted to compete in the open division.

For further information about the 2008 Melges 24 North American Championship please visit

We would like to thank our event sponsors Melges Performance Sailboats, Pusser's Rum, Pusser's Caribbean Grille, Coral Reef Sailing Apparel, Gill, Atlantic Yacht Rigging, Velocitek, North Sails, Westin Annapolis, Sail22 and Annpolis Wireless Internet for their generous support of this championship.
. For further information about our sponsors please visit