Rule Clarification on Masts & Nationality From David Chivers

As the season builds up speed it is a good time to remind people once again about the basic principles of our class rules. They are closed class rules which means: If it does not specifically say you can, then you can’t! Technical Advisor David Chivers clarifies some issues on Nationality, Spreader Bars and Mast Foot Wedges.

Several questions have been raised over the last few months about which National Class Association the owner or helmsman should belong too.

We have now spoken to ISAF and other authorities to confirm the situation. As our rules stand, an owner or helmsman must belong to the National Association of which they are either a passport holder or where they have fiscal residence. Obviously there are some countries, which do not have a National Class Association, and then the sailors there will join a neighbouring association or one specified by the IMCA.

This means that for example, a Norwegian sailor cannot join the UK Class Association. Please make sure that you belong to the correct National Class Association, as this will prevent problems at championships and on the ranking lists. Under a protest situation it would be a case of disqualification if the person in question belonged to an incorrect National Association. There are no plans to change this rule.

Many sailors commented on the changing of spreader angles during regattas and were very unhappy with the situation. It would seem that this is still happening. After much discussion and research it has been confirmed that it is not correct to change the spreader bars and hence the angle during a regatta. The rules give a tolerance, which may be checked, but once the boat is racing it should remain in the initial configuration for the regatta. We believe that the current rules are very clear but intend to also put issue a new rule later this year to ensure there is no confusion.

We also want to remind sailors of rule F.2.3.2 “Spreaders shall be supplied by the licensed manufacturer and shall be to the approved design”. This includes the spreader bar joining the spreaders and therefore they can only be purchased from Southern Spars. We have heard that some people are sourcing spreader bars from other manufacturers. This is not allowed.

Although we have checked, the rules are already very clear that adding any sort of wedge to the mast foot during a regatta is against the rules. Obviously this does not preclude a permanently fitted shim used to make sure the heel fitting is straight and level. These will be fitted once and remain there. Some people have apparently been using wedges to alter mast bend. This is not allowed in any form and checks will be carried out at regattas in the future.

Do not expect a Jury to be lenient if you get caught!

D. Chivers 21st march 2006