Royal Bulgarian Yacht Club Adopts Melges 24

The Melges 24 fleet in Bulgaria is now becoming established and in 2008 there were four Melges 24 regularly racing on the Black Sea from Varna.  The class also held it's first ever Bulgarian Melges 24 Championship which was won by top Bulgarian sailor Capt. Ivan Grekov, who is also the Commodore of the newly formed Royal Bulgarian Yacht Club.  This new yacht club is helping to bring about a revolution in Bulgarian sailing and has adopted the Melges 24 as it's main racing keelboat class.  Among its plans for the future is the introduction of a Black Sea Melges 24 Regatta which they plan to introduce in summer 2009.  We'll bring you more news of this event as soon as we have it.

In the meantime the Bulgarian Melges 24 Class takes up the story of how the new club came into being and how it will help sailing in Bulgaria:-

The first in the country "Royal Bulgaria Yacht Club" was established in Varna - the Black sea capital of Bulgaria. Its aim is to ease the cooperation with all royal clubs in the world. The idea for its establishment is of the famous in Bulgaria and abroad professional racing and offshore sailor and tactician Capt. Ivan Grekov with tens of first places in Bulgarian and international regattas.

"The need for the establishment of such club comes from the fact that for already 2 decades of transition in the structures of the Bulgarian water federations and yacht clubs nearly nothing has changed and they continue to function the old way", says the Commodor of "ROYAL BULGARIA YACHT CLUB"  Capt. Ivan Grekov. "The newly established royal yacht club aims at increasing the authority of the Bulgarian yachting in the world through organizing participations of Bulgarian sailing teams in the most prestigious world competitions".

The club will deal with the organization of children's, juvenile and disable sailors for the Olympics, as well as with the preparation of yachting teams for successful presentation at World and Olympic competitions, Match Racing, America's Cup, IRC Racing, Melges 24, Laser SB3, Swan 42, J-24,Farr 40.

 "Another priority of the club will be to popularize all water sports as well as the tourist opportunities offered by the Bulgarian sea shore and development of Yacht clubs and Marinas along the beautiful Bulgarian Black sea coasts, Danube river and inside the country freshwater lakes  and rivers", said also Capt. Grekov.

The club will organize the first for the club international offshore IRC regatta in the end of May 2009 ,  from Varna /Bulgaria/ to Mangalia /Romania/. The club invites all the clubs around the world with the similar activities to start productive relations with "Royal Bulgaria Yacht Club".

Contact information: Royal Bulgaria Yacht Club
27, Tzar Simeon I St,, Varna 9000, Bulgaria
phone: + 359 52  615 183; fax: + 359 52 615 183; mob:+359895337391 