Race Six Complete and Fleet Split Underway

The fleet completed the sixth and final Round Robin race this morning and are now back ashore hearing protests and awaiting a final split for the Gold and Silver fleets. Out on the race course the wind has built further and with a steady 22-25 knots and stronger gusts the Race Committee has just made the decision to fly flags AP over A and call off racing for the rest of today.

Fortunately the weather forecast for tomorrow is for a steady wind of around 18-22 knots and Friday's forecast is for wind in the mid teens so conditions look promising for two more good racing days.

Already the Race Committee has posted a change of start time tomorrow to 10.30 to give them the maximum opportunity to sail three races tomorrow.

Right now the jury is hearing three protests relating to this morning's sixth race and as soon as the decisions from these are available the fleet split can be completed and the Gold and Silver Fleets announced. Watch this space for more info shortly!