Preparations Well Under Way in Santa Cruz

It's all go here in Santa Cruz, CA, where the crews are rolling into town from across North America and Europe in preparation for the 2007 Fullpower Melges 24 Worlds. Registration is well underway with International Measurer Dave LaMere overseeing measurement and the great team from Santa Cruz Yacht Club welcoming everyone and getting them all set up for the event.

We've had some overnight rain but right now the skies are clearing and the forecast for the coming 10 days is for hot sunshine and great sea breezes. The Santa Cruz Yacht Club has done a terrific job of expanding its existing infrastructure to accommodate the 300 or so competitors who will be taking part and the temporary race village down on the dock is really buzzing right now.

The Pre-Worlds races take place this coming weekend 5-6 May and Championship racing will run from 8-12 May. Each day Event Press Officer Rich Roberts will be bring you all the official news and results and IMCA Official Photographer Paul Todd will be providing the images. Paul will be posting images regularly throughout the event via our PHOTO GALLERIES