Novembre A Hyeres Update

Plans for the Novembre a Hyeres regatta (1-4 November), the final event in the IMCA 2007 European Ranking, are well underway and the French Class and COYCH are looking forward to welcoming competitors from across Europe for this final fling.

Already Team Barbarians, Blu Moon and Uka Uka have confirmed their participation alongside the cream of the French fleet ensuring that racing will be as competitive as always.

To enroll or pre-enroll to take part in Novembre a Hyeres please visit WWW.COYCH.ORG then click on "Regates" and then select "Novembre a Hyeres" and "Monotypes" to find all the information you need.

For local support with logistics, accommodation or crew please E-mail Denis Infante or telephone Denis on +33 603 124 042.