Chrystel Durand reports from Hyeres. At the beginning of the century, in the Victorian era, Hyeres used to be the favourite resting place for the Brits. With "Novembre a Hyeres", this year, and after "Black Seal" in 2002, Quentin Strauss sailing "Gill" could also appreciate the wonderful Hyeres region and above all its wonderful sailing spot.

It is Jamie Lea, helming Gill, who was the most constant in front of the outstanding tandem Nicopoulos-Dirusso sailing "Sungasabug". Actually, the "Gill" crew even proved to be the quickest after the races.....on the kartking circuit!!

Still performing well and close behind, Maxime Paull - together with Dimitri Deruelle - ended up third in front of the local boat "Flor Direct", sailed by the young team of the COYCH, and Andrea Racchelli helming "Altea". It was really in the last meters before the finish line of the last race that the final result was known, with a wind blowing force 4 and a shining sun.

In the twenty three teams competing seven nations were represented and for the first time the Melges Class was happy to welcome a Spanish crew, "Cielo Racing" (one of the four teams based in Malaga), who had travelled a long way - like many others - in order to take part in this now Classic South European Regatta before winter.

1 Gill - Quentin Strauss
2 Snugasabug - Dimitri Nicolopoulos
3 Big Ship - Maxime Paul
4 Flor Direct - Alain Roig
5 Altea - Andrea Racchelli
6 Euro Voiles - Denis Infante
7 Sogeti/Mis - Antoine Frickey
8 Matanza - Bruno Jourdren
9 J'Gaulo - Jean Paul Douchy
10 Overone - Romain Laboisse