Novembre a Hyeres Is Coming!

From the French Melges 24 Class. Welcome to Novembre à Hyeres. After the world championship 2006 (119 boats, 15 countries) and before the 2009 European championship in August 2009, the COYCH will have great pleasure to host the Melges 24 class for the French National Championship.

All the Melges 24s are on the honour wharf like for the world championship. Haul in and out are free of charge. Social program are on the COYCH web site ( : welcome aperitive, prize giving ceremony apertive and buffet, beer free after races, crew buffet, pasta party.


Thursday October 30th
9h-12h and 13h-18h: welcome, final registration, measurement, hauling in
19h00: welcome aperitif
Friday October 31st
8h-12h: final registration, measurement, hauling in
13h: first warning signal- 3 races maximum
19h: Opening Ceremony and crew buffet
Saturday November 1st
11h: first warning signal, 3 races maximum
After races: pasta party
Sunday November 2nd
11h: first warning signal, 2 races maximum
As soon as possible hauling out and prize giving ceremony

Entry fees: 200 € before the 10/10/2008, 250€ after this date
Entry form shall be found on web site: or send by mail.

Organization: COYCH
61 avenue du docteur Robin -83400- HYERES (France).
Phone. : 33 (0)4 94 38 61 67 – Fax : 33 (0)4 94 38 68 14
E-mail : web site:

Accomodation: it is very easy to find accomodation near the Yacht club:
Hotels , “le Méditerranée”, « La Potiniére », « Le Lido », « Bor », Résidences Maeva and Pierre et Vacances…
You will find addresses on the tourism office web site:

For all the problems and questions about accomodations and storage of your boat in South of France during the winter, you can contact Denis INFANTE who is back in charge of French Class and who will look after the good welcome of the Melges 24 Class in Hyères and wishes every body an excellent preparation for the European Championship in Hyères in late August 2009.

You can also contact Denis for any problem of registration on e-mail or telephone + 33 (0) 6 .03 .12. 40 . 42