Novembre A Hyeres - 4 Days Filled With Sun and Racing

From the French Class Association - The COYCH’s staff , 2 Commitee Presidents Mr John Coveney and Mr Guy Guermond, an International President for the Jury, Mr Bellaguet, Mr Bujeaud for the measurment and more than 50 volunteers from the COYCH were grouped to organize this championship.


After a little delay on land under first penant ( for finishing quietly his coffee in the sun ! ), the fleet went between Porquerolles and Hyères for 3 rounds in lights west winds of 5 to 8 knots.

The commitee used quickly black flag for disciplinig the fleet and speeding up the starts on this low wind.

UKA UKA wins the first round, BLU MOON the second one and ROCAD RACING the third one in very concentrated fleet.

THE HURRICANE was one of the most regular of this day.


Same scenario ( with the coffee in the sun before the start ) but with a little wind of Est this time.

John POLLARD on EXCELLENT, regular of HYERES’s site and his bests bars, wins the first round.

Nicola CELON on MARCHINGENIO, wins the second round and UKA UKA the third one.


Denis INFANTE in a little show, annouced the choice of HYERES for the next EUROPEAN in 2009 during a friendly aperitif.


Same sun and same coffee quietly in the morning and 3 racing directly under black rule that confirms the perfect knowledge of the site and the MELGES 24 by the commitee.

2 rounds wined by UKA UKA who could enter quietly to the harbour and the last round by THE HURRICANE after 1 BFD on the start.

POIZON ROUGE less in the hurry than the day before (2 BFD ) on the start anyway, did a good day and swiped the third place to BLU MOON, again victim of a BFD.
On the end, UKA UKA wins easily before THE HURRICANE, very regular, before POIZON ROUGE and BLU MOON efficients but handiccaped by 2 BFD.

Sundstaedt Ingemar (6) and John POLLARD (8), 2 regulars of HYERES fit into the 2 first in the middle of an italian pack very efficient ones of which Tomasso CHIEFFI on PBR ING LEASE (7).

An organisation always perfect : lot of sun, little but good wind, lot of racings, a welcome always perfect, here is the mixing that did once again the success of this last event of the EUROPEAN RANKING.

Next year, NOVEMBRE à HYERES will be a good year before the EUROPEAN in 2009 and at the same time that the MELGES 24’s French Championship.