No Wind - No Melges 24 Racing on Day Three in Key West.

From the USMCA - Key West, Florida - After more than an hour and a half on-the-water postponement, the race committee for the Melges 24 fleet abandoned all racing scheduled for Wednesday, January 23. Although the visual weather elements were routine Key West conditions —  gorgeous, sunny with blue skies and temperatures reaching into the upper 70s, it was not ideal for racing. The breeze simply would not pick above 3 knots in some areas and in others nothing above 1 registered.

The somewhat good and bad news of it all is that tomorrow's forecast isn't really looking that much better than today. Weather predictions offer almost identical conditions, however for Friday the hope that as much as 20 mph breeze (gusting to 25), partly cloudy skies and temps in the mid-70s is to be expected. Here's to keeping our fingers crossed.

It has been a frustrating regatta as only three races have been completed thus far. The overall results as of Tuesday stand with Flavio Favini helming 'Blu Moon' for Franco Rossini from Switzerland in first, John Pollard from the UK on 'Xcellent' in second and in third, Dave Ullman from Southern California on 'Pegasus 505'.

TOP TEN RESULTS (As of Tuesday, January 22)
1.) Flavio Favini/Franco Rossini, Blu Moon
2.) John Pollard, Xcellent
3.) Dave Ullman, Pegasus 505
4.) Brian Porter, Full Throttle
5.) Benoit Charon,
6.) Alan Field, WTF
7.) Riccardo Simoneschi, Fratelli Giacomel Audi
8.) Argyle Campbell, Rock n' Roll
9.) Peter Lane, Brick House
10.) Bora Gulari/Chuck Holzman, Flyer



As in the overalls, it was a disappointing day for racing the Melges 24 Corinthian division. No racing due to lack of wind prompts to report that Tuesday's standings remain for overnight Wednesday.

1.) Argyle Campbell, Rock n'Roll
2.) Bruce Ayres, Monsoon
3.) Loren Colehan, Lounge Act
4.) Othmar Mueller Von Blumencron, Gannet
5.) Tom Kassberg, Flygfisk
6.) Dave Brede, 12happythoughts
7.) Gary Schwarting, Obsession
8.) Kelly Gough/Shawn Grisham, Bulls Eye
9.) Martin Wedge, Eric
10.) Richard Mallinson, Speedemon
11.) Mark Beck, Risky Business
12.) Hank Wissenz, The Rodent
13.) Chris Johnson, Wiggleroom
14.) Guy Mossman, Riot Act