No Wind And No Sailing on the Opening Day of the Europeans

It was a frustrating opening day for competitors and race committee alike at the 2007 Melges 24 European Championship, being hosted in association with Rolex Baltic Week in Neaustadt, Germany, where the wind failed to cooperate. Although there had been some light breeze in the morning by the time the teams reached the race area it had died away to almost nothing. Racing was scheduled to start at 1400 but after two hours of patiently waiting, tracking what little wind there was and keeping the crews regularly updated with the situation Principle Race Officer Walter Mielke was finally forced to hoist AP over A and send the fleet home for the day.

Depsite the disapointment of no racing there was one moment of light entertainment as the boats were motoring back to the dock. It would seem that the 2001 Melges 24 World Championship winning team aboard Franco Rossini's Blu Moon had completely failed to notice one of the large channel marker buoys and motored straight into it. Fortunately the only damage is to their pride and we are pleased to report that the boat and crew are all absolutely fine!

Racing is schedule to being at 1100 tomorrow and the forecast is for 6-9 knots so hopes are high that it will be possible to complete at least two races.

Finally I would like to correct an error made in yesterday's preview when I stated that Nicola Celon and the crew of Bete Bossini are the reigning Melges 24 World Champions. In fact Nico and his team were the 2006 World Champions and the current World Champions are David Ullman and his legendary Pegasus Racing Team from California, USA, who claimed the crown at the 2007 Fullpower Melges 24 World Championships in Santa Cruz, California, this past May. My apologies to all concerned for this error.