
6) Will the sails really last longer?
YES! but how much longer will they last? That is a very good question which is nearly impossible to answer! We all know that it is possible to destroy a brand new sail in one outing in the right conditions, but I think it is safe to say the following. This is my own personal opinion:

1) The old non batten Jib lasted one 10 Race regatta for the top pro sailors.
2) The new batten jibs now last two 10 Race regattas in the hands of the top pro sailors.
3) A Kevlar Jib will improve the life by at least the same margin, so possibly three regatta's for a top pro sailor.
4) A competitive Regatta sailor may currently buy 3 Jibs a year, I think he will only need two Kevlar Jibs.
5) The Team who only buy 1 suit per year will be able to start the second season with the sails still in reasonable shape.
6) The mainsails will also last substantially longer, the large roach mainsail will really benefit from the added strength of Kevlar.

The above is just my thoughts and by writing these down I am opening myself up to some serious criticism on how long do sails really last. But the above points in statements 1-3 I personally know to be reliable. I think all the sailors will be pleasantly surprised exactly how much longer a Kevlar sail lasts in comparison with the current Pentex or Polyester sails.

7) If the rule gets passed when can I race with Kevlar sails?
If the rule change gets agreed at the AGM in September the next step is the official Rule change by ISAF. This will get the nod in November at the ISAF Rules meeting and they sails will be class legal from the 1st March 2004.

Final Thoughts
Well I think that just about answers all of the main questions I have been asked recently. Personally I think this is the right move for the class and the sails will genuinely last longer and be a more cost effective sail for the majority of sailors. From a purely personal angle I really hope that the class decides to allow Kevlar sails at the coming AGM in September. From a business point of view it will not effect how committed North Sails are to the Melges 24 class. The M-24 and North sails will be together as long as the class exists and we are happy to continue producing the fastest Pentex sails in the World! However it would be really great to be building Kevlar sails in 2004.

Good sailing
Nigel Young
North Sails One Design UK
GBR-554 Black Seal