The New Rules in Practice

From IMCA Technical Advisor David Chivers - Sailmakers were informed of the new CLASS RULE regarding zip luffs in jibs in November 2007 and again in October 2008 before the rule actually came into force. The subject has been well known about and put in class news regarding rules etc.

Sadly, it would seem that a number of lofts have ignored the new rule and are possibly still building jibs without a zip luff. These sails are illegal and cannot be used in Melges 24 class racing. If the sail was fully manufactured and measured complete with the IMCA Sail Label before the 1st November 2008 then it is legal either with or without a zip luff. If it was measured after the 1st November 2008 then it must have a zip luff.

Under the RACING RULES OF SAILING it is the owner’s responsibility to maintain his boat within the class rules. It is also the sailmakers’ professional responsibility to ensure that they keep up to date with CLASS RULE and any rule changes that are planned. It is not difficult to check with a class or ISAF on this subject.

There will now be rigorous checks at Melges regattas to ensure that the jibs comply with the CLASS RULES. This will include inspection of the measurement date and also the sail label number to see that it fits within the batch issue dates. Please check your new sails to ensure they comply and if not return them to your sailmaker immediately.

If sails are found at a regatta that do not comply then that sail will not be allowed to be used. If the sailor refuses then the only option will be a protest with a DSQ. Please do not adjust dates on sails thinking it will just solve a problem. Anyone found doing this will be open to a hearing under rule 69 with all of the potential penalties that could apply.

Let’s make this rule work the easy way and check that your sails comply.

David Chivers
IMCA Technical Advisor
20th February 2009