Following the IMCA AGM at the recent World Championship in Travemuende a new Executive Committee has been appointed to manage to day to day affairs of the International Melges 24 Class Association.

Amonst the decisions taken at the AGM it was agreed that the size of the Executive should be increased slightly to help spread the workload and make it easier to gather a quorum for meetings. The 2002/3 Executive Committee Officers are:

Chairman - Henri Samuel

Vice Chairman Europe - Nils Hauff

Vice Chairman USA - Hal Pickering

Secretary - Günter Tzeschlock

Treasurer - Quentin Strauss

Member - Tomi Hakola

In addition to the above members US Vice Chairman Hal Pickering has been asked to return to the US Class and seek an additional Member represenative from the US Class to help ensure there remains a good balance of representation on the Executive.

In additional to the elected executive committee members Fiona Brown will continue in her role as supporting administrator and communications hub and David Chivers will also continue his work as technical consultant. Both Fiona and David work on a part time professional basis for the class.

A full report on the AGM and contact details for the Executive Committee will be published on this web site shortly.